Луганской государственной академии культуры и искусств имени М. Матусовского

Swan Michael
How English works

Вид документа: Книга
Год издания: 2002
Место издания: Oxford
Издательство: Oxford university press
Автор: Swan Michael
От автора: персона
Объём: 358 c
Шифр: 81.2Англ
ББК: 81.2Англ
ISBN: 0-19-431456-1

How English Works makes grammar practice interesting. Rules are easy to understand and remember; exercises entertain as well as teach. Learners who want to use the book for self study are guided in their learning, and teachers who want to use the book in class will find extra exercises for group work. If you are an intermediate or advanced learner, How English Works offers you: • short clear grammar explanations and rules • information about the grammar of speech as well as writing • simple reliable examples in real English • easier exercises to give you confidence • more challenging exercises to make you think • opportunities to work out some rules for yourself • tests to show you what you need to study most • an easy-to-read full-colour layout • hundreds of illustrations There are two editions of How English Works\ one with answers and one without.

Сведения, относящиеся к названию
Дополнительные сведения, относящиеся к названию:a grammar practice book
Сведения об ответственности:M. Swan, C. Walter
Общие замечания:Академия