Луганской государственной академии культуры и искусств имени М. Матусовского

A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe = Справочник по средневековому искусству: романский стиль и готика в Северной Европе

Электронная версия: Загрузить

Вид документа: Электронная книга
Год издания: 2006
Место издания: Oxford
Издательство: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Объём: 698 с.
Шифр: 81.2Англ+85.1
ББК: 81.2Англ+85.1
ISBN: 978-1-4051-0286-5

These invigorating reference volumes chart the influence of key ideas, discourses, and theories on art, and the way that it is taught, thought of, and talked about throughout the English-speaking world. Each volume brings together a team of respected international scholars to debate the state of research within traditional sub-fields of art history as well as in more innovative, thematic configurations. Representing the best of the scholarship governing the field and pointing toward future trends and across disciplines, the Blackwell Companions to Art History series provides a magisterial, state-of-the-art synthesis of art history.

1 A Companion to Contemporary An since 1945 edited by Amelia Jones 2 A Companion to Medieval An edited by Conrad Rudolph

Сведения, относящиеся к названию
Сведения об ответственности:Edited by Conrad Rudolph
Общие замечания:Только эл. версия