Электронная версия: Загрузить
Вид документа: Электронная книга
Год издания: 1925
Место издания: Atlanta
Издательство: Knights of the Ku Klux klan incorporated
Язык: Английский
Объём: 28 p.
Шифр: 85.126
ББК: 85.126
Аннотация: «Due to the large number of uniforms and other supplies being manufactured at your plant, your Imperial officers feel that the Klansmen of the nation should be better posted as to these articles, hence this catalogue was prepared,
We have endeavored to give full description of all robes, etc., showing materials used and prices.
Each Exalted Cyclops will be furnished with one copy of catalogue, which should be carefully guarded and kept so it can be referred to at all times in ordering regalia, etc. These books are expensive, therefore each Klan must carefully preserve their copies as our supply is limited»