Электронная версия: Загрузить
Вид документа: Электронная книга
Год издания: 2013
Место издания: Luhansk
Издательство: Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Press
Автор: Yeliseyev S. L.
От автора: персона
Объём: 187 p.
Шифр: 81.2Англ
ББК: 81.2Англ
Аннотация: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: a Manual for
Country Studies is a teaching handout intended for students of foreign languages
department, specialities “Language and Literature (English)”, “Philology. English
and Oriental language and literature” and “Translation Studies”. The book aims at
exploring the United Kingdom by giving the structured and detailed information
about its history, geography, political and educational systems, welfare, holidays and
traditions, national character and identity.
The content of the book conforms to the requirements of the syllabus of
“Country Studies: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” for
senior students. It can be used by teachers of English at colleges and secondary
schools, and by students of institutes, universities and other educational institutions.